Dr. Ralf Greve

Professor, Glacier and Ice Sheet Research


Ralf Greve Welcome to my "icy" homepage!

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I am a professor at Hokkaido University's Institute of Low Temperature Science in Sapporo, Japan. A physicist by training, my main focus is on the evolution, dynamics and thermodynamics of the Earth's ice sheets, using numerical modelling. I am the author/co-author of more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers and two textbooks on ice dynamics and continuum mechanics, serve as an Associate Chief Editor for the Journal of Glaciology and maintain the open-source ice-sheet model SICOPOLIS.

For further details, please have a look at my profile at Researchmap (bilingual English/Japanese) or my curriculum vitae (PDF file).

Research projects

SpacerProjectsSpacer List of projects with me as principal or co-investigator → Researchmap.


SpacerWriteSpacer List of publications (co-)authored by me (including work 'in press' or 'submitted').

Software development

  • Ice-sheet model SICOPOLIS
    (background process running since 1992, and no end in sight... 😊).
  • Mars Atmosphere-Ice Coupler MAIC-2.


  • First semester 2024:
    Fundamental Course in Cold Region Sciences
        [HU ELMS/Moodle (account required)]
  • Second semester 2024:
    Advanced Course in Theoretical Glaciology
        [HU ELMS/Moodle (account required)]
  • Second semester 2024:
    Advanced Course in International Science Communication Methods
        [HU ELMS/Moodle (account required)]


For contact information, please see here.


Go to:
    [Glacier and Ice Sheet Research Group]
    [Institute of Low Temperature Science]   [Hokkaido University]

Information about the Rironseppyou Network (Rironnet).

Last modified: 2024-09-20